+994 12 497 01 33
AZ1014, Baku, Samad Vurgun street 43, World Business Center.

How can bank clients who are physical persons apply to the Banking Ombudsman?


If the motives of the dispute arising between the client and the bank correspond to the requirements for appeal to the Banking Ombudsman, then in advance of submitting an application to the Banking Ombudsman, a customer of a bank shall apply to the relevant bank with a complaint (application) specifying the substance of his claims (relief). Within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the complaint (application) the bank receiving such complaint (application) shall provide the customer with a response on the merits of the complaint (application). From the moment of receiving a response to the complaint (application) on its merits, or within 60 days after the expiration of the period the Customer shall have a right to submit a written request to the Banking Ombudsman.

  Banking Ombudsman shall consider the appilcation of the customer filed within validity of the contract between the customer and bank, or within 2 (two) years after the termination of the contract.

The written application may be submitted to the Ombudsman by mail, by e-mail or personally come to the Office of the Banking Ombudsman, to the executive Secretary of the Banking Ombudsman at official working days and hours.

The following documents should be added to the written application:

- Customer identification document;

- Before submitting an application to the Ombudsman the copy of complaint (application) filed with the bank on the merits of his claims (claims) or mail receipt for sending the letter to the bank and his response letter to the client (if applicable);.

- Contract concluded between the Client and the Bank;

- Additional Agreement to the bank loan agreement (if applicable);

- Customer's payment schedule;

- Reference from the relevant bank on the debt and delays to the current date between the bank and the customer (on the merits of the complaint)

When the disputing parties are in Baku city- 1 (one) month, when the disputing parties are outside Baku city- 2 (two) months, when at least one of the parties is outside the Republic of Azerbaijan, the duration of examination of dispute should not be longer than 6 (six) months.

AZ1014, Baku, Samad Vurgun street 43, World Business Center.
+994 12 497 01 33 
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